Wednesday, July 28, 2010

InvalidJadException: Reason = 22 emulator doesn't start in J2Me

I got the problem in Netbeans 6.8.When a Midlet is copied without creating,the problem occurs InvalidJadException.If you are facing the same exception the following may help you.

Do the following and remove the exception.
  1. Go to nbproject folder in your project.Under this folder find "" file.
  2. Edit "" file.Search for "manifest.midlets="
  3. Set the value of "manifest.midlets=MIDlet-1: MidletName, , PackageName\n"
For my project i set the value to
manifest.midlets=MIDlet-1: SampleMidlet, ,\n

Spaces are compulsory.Place the space after : and before packagename.
If you are using notepad use \n at end .


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