Friday, June 25, 2010

J2Me...My first App

My first App ....Mobile App...i have to do it on J2ME platform.I developed a J2ME application at last with the help of 3rd party LWUIT.The tool LWUIT is very flexible to use.But the performance degrades compared to pure J2ME app.The issue we struggled is displaying the large text.We are getting the whole text in a single line(cutting the text which is more than screen size.).We wrote a function to wrap the text into pieces sufficient for the screen and display each piece in a separate label.But this will take lot of time if the text is too large.....

Compared to BB and Iphone J2ME api doesn't have a rich look and feel.The network connectivity is good in iphone.

Small phones always support J2ME.Nokia and sony erricson mobiles also suport J2ME.

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